I am the first to admit that I am not a big traveller and wouldn’t consider myself much of an “adventurer” either (again, total homebody here!) but when I knew that I was going over to Sceptre for a photo session I knew that I needed to go check out The Great Sandhills!

Take Time For Spontaneous Adventures

I am the first to admit that I am not a big traveller and wouldn’t consider myself much of an “adventurer” either (again, total homebody here!) but when I knew that I was going over to Sceptre for a photo session I knew that I needed to go check out The Great Sandhills!

The awesome couple I photographed in Sceptre gave me a walking tour of the town as we took their anniversary photos. After my session I popped over to the museum (total history nerd here) and then hopped in my vehicle and drove out to the hills!

For someone who loves the natural prairie as much as I do, it was like a little oasis. I loved hiking through trails surrounded by creeping juniper (one of my favourite smells in the world) and going barefoot in the silky sand.

I would really love to do some photo sessions out there some day! I have a feeling, I will be back!


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